Our Kingdom Kids Nursery is a safe, self-serve nursery where parents can come and take care of their little ones and still engage with the service upstairs. We provide rocking chairs, a changing table and age appropriate toys for our babies and toddlers.
Kingdom Kids is where your elementary aged child (K-5) can learn about Bible stories and characters, engage in their own worship, and participates in fun games and activities. Kingdom Kids have their own space in our fellowship hall. You can register your child before the service or after worship, when they will be released to their class.
Our Jr. & Sr. High students are challenged weekly through zoom meetings and monthly in-person meetings. Currently, Vineyard Youth is taking a hiatus.
Our adult groups meet weekly to study God's Word , worship and pray together. Groups are open to all adults. Check out the calendar for specific small groups currently meeting and times/locations.
Vineyard Church DeKalb
1051 South 4th Street, Dekalb, Illinois 60115, United States